Outdoor Ambassador, Stan L., Reviews Fenix HP30R Headlamp
Fenix has the tagline “illuminate your adventure” and that’s exactly what Fenix HP30R headlamp will do for you! Being used to my trusty Fenix HP25R for the last 3 years I was reluctant to change but this is a worthy upgrade and you’ll thank yourself once you purchase yours. I recently tested the Fenix HP30R on one of my Catching Creation filming adventures, South Carolina Herping After Dark, and from the moment I pushed the buttons to illuminate this intensely bright 1750 lumen (max combined output) headlamp I was impressed. The Fenix HP30R uses Cree XM-L2 and XP-G2 R5 LED’s which gives you a really even white light that will quickly make you the envy of your friends on nocturnal adventures with the floodlight topping out at 750 lumens and spotlight at a whopping 1000 lumens.
This light does get quite warm and actually has a built-in feature that once the light reaches a temperature that is approx. 149 degrees Fahrenheit (65*C) it will downshift the light output and then as it cools it will slowly return to the previous output. If you’re like me and you want to run this thing at full blast with the spotlight and flood light both at their max lumen output (17500 lumens), then you will run into this issue. Both the flood and spot light in their own right are most likely brighter than anything you’re currently using and when used together they give you a good mix of bright flood with a focused spotlight. It took close to two hours for my light to overheat and start downshifting its output, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a bad tradeoff.

I’ve never used a headlamp that had to be belt mounted and I was a bit apprehensive as to whether or not I would like this configuration. Once I got the battery pack settled in a comfortable spot I immediately forgot I had a wire running down my back to a power source on my belt. I will advise, however, that if you’re wearing a backpack, consider your placement because the only minor downside is that if you’re a taller person sometimes you can accidentally unplug the light from its base when bending over, as I did a few times in the woods. This minor inconvenience is far outweighed by the stellar performance of this light.
The coolest part about the battery pack, with its rechargeable Li-on 18650 batteries, is that you can not only push a button to check the battery level with an indicator light but you can also charge your devices with the built-in USB and Micro USB ports. I do a lot of filming with GoPro cameras and Smart phones as secondary cameras in the field and having a portable charger that doubles as a remarkable light is truly a great addition to any adventure.

While filming in the humid deciduous forests of South Carolina, where I recently used this light, it dwarfed the lights of those with me, illuminated my entire field of view, and lasted the length of my adventure deep into the early morning. The HP30R is a game changer for anyone that spends a lot of time outdoors after dark. When you’re in habitat riddled with vipers, rock outcrops, and uneven terrain, this light will become your best friend. It takes the mystery out of where you’re putting your feet and truly turns night into day. If you’re looking for the last headlamp you’ll ever need to buy then look no further than the Fenix HP30R.